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Microblading Services for Perfectly Matched Brows

To achieve full, luscious eyebrows, microblading is just what you need to make your dreams come true. This innovative technique effectively fills brows that have become sparse due to aging or overplucking in a non-invasive and non-permanent manner. Runnels & North Outpatient Plastic Surgery Center provides leading med spa and cosmetic surgery procedures in Jackson, MS, including microblading. Trust our talented team to provide high-quality personalized care to shape your brows.

Microblading Services in Jackson, MS

What Is Microblading?

Microblading is an innovative technique that fills the eyebrows using semi-permanent ink. To get top-grade results, it’s vital to select a skilled technician, like the ones you’ll find here at Runnels & North, to draw the brows precisely according to your natural face shape. Before the procedure, you’ll visit our office for a consultation. On the day the microblading takes place, you can expect the process to take anywhere from 1-3 hours. We’ll apply a topical anesthetic to minimize pain before using a needle to draw your new eyebrows into place.

Top Eyebrow Microblading Benefits

Microblading doesn’t just offer picture-perfect brows. It comes with many other benefits, such as:

  • A more youthful appearance
  • Less maintenance
  • A consistently well-groomed appearance
  • Long-lasting look
  • Affordability

Who Is a Good Candidate for Microblading?

Most people are excellent candidates for microblading, especially those with thin eyebrows who desire a fuller look and those who are tired of plucking but still want defined, even, and beautiful brows.

How Long Does Microblading Last?

Quality microblading will last from 1-3 years. If you have oily skin, the results may not last as long. We recommend visiting our clinic every 12-18 months to maintain a flawless look.

Post-Microblading Aftercare

Proper microblading aftercare is essential to recovering quickly and maximizing your results during the microblading healing process. We’ll provide careful instructions on treating your fresh brows with TLC during the healing process. Above all, avoid picking and scratching at them, even if you feel some irritation. Don’t be alarmed if your brows appear darker than desired; they’ll fade over the following days.

What Is the Cost of Microblading?

The standard cost of microblading is about $400, but it depends entirely on each unique individual’s hair distribution, density, and brow appearance. We’ll determine the exact price of your procedure during your consultation.

FAQs on Microblading

Avoid swimming or engaging in activities that make you sweat immediately after your appointment.

No, you should wait until post-pregnancy to get the procedure.

Despite using a needle, microblading doesn’t hurt, and we’ll use an anesthetic cream to ensure your comfort.

It’s best to perform a patch test beforehand to determine if you can get microblading with sensitive skin. In extreme cases, we recommend against it.

Contact Runnels & North Today for Microblading

When you choose Runnels & North Outpatient Plastic Surgery Center as your microblading provider, you choose the best in the business. We’re a step above other cosmetic centers in Jackson, MS, because of our extensive services performed with the most state-of-the-art materials in the industry, and thanks to our outstanding customer service. We always go the extra mile to ensure your needs are met and your desired results are achieved. Runnels & North has helped countless clients across the region look and feel their best, and we’d love to help you next. To learn more about our microblading service or to schedule an appointment, contact us today.

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