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A Beautiful Gaze Is a Brow Lift Away

When you desire a refreshed and rejuvenated face but don’t want to undergo a drastic procedure like a facelift, consider brow lift surgery instead. The minimally invasive option offers drastic improvements to your appearance that you’ll love. If you’re interested in a brow lift in Jackson, MS, Runnels & North Outpatient Plastic Surgery Center can help. We’re dedicated to providing elite patient care with outstanding results that will leave you feeling fresh and beautiful from the inside out.

Brow Lift Surgery in Jackson, MS

What Is a Brow Lift?

As we age, our skin begins to sag, and low brows, in particular, can be problematic as they create an unwanted tired or angry look. By raising the eyebrows, you’ll look instantly younger and more awake. An eyebrow lift positions your brows higher, instantly creating a younger appearance. As a minimally invasive surgical procedure, brow lifts involve some anesthesia to help you feel more comfortable. There are several varying incision techniques, all of which we’ll discuss with you before determining what’s most effective for your desired result. The procedure involves small incisions to lift the skin before stitching it into its new position.

The Benefits of a Brow Lift

Brow lift surgery offers a range of attractive benefits, including the following:

  • Restoration of your natural eyebrow arch
  • Removal of excess skin
  • Reduction in the sagging of upper eyelids
  • Reduction of forehead lines
  • Minimization of angry or tired expressions
  • Creation of an eye-opening effect
  • Reduction of crow’s feet
  • Long-lasting look

Are You a Candidate for an Eyebrow Lift?

Aging affects the face more than most other body parts, particularly the eyes. We express our emotions frequently through the movement of our eyes and eyebrows, which makes the area more prone to fine lines and wrinkles. People with deep frown lines on their forehead and between their brows and those with excess skin hanging over their eyes are the best candidates for this revolutionary procedure.

Brow Lift Procedure Recovery Tips

To maximize your recovery after your brow lift procedure, we recommend sitting (and even sleeping) upright for several days following the surgery to reduce swelling, which lasts up to a week. There are minimal side effects, and you can perform daily tasks without disruption within hours of the procedure.

How Much Does a Brow Lift Procedure Cost?

The price of a brow lift procedure can run anywhere from $4,000-$8,000 and varies widely depending on the type of brow lift you select, how much work needs to be done, and your insurance coverage. When you see us for a consultation, we’ll discuss your options.

Brow Lift FAQs

You shouldn’t apply makeup around the treated area for at least a week.

We recommend strenuous exercise no sooner than two weeks after the procedure.

We’ll schedule your surgery about two weeks after your initial consultation.

Yes, you can combine brow lifts with other facial plastic surgery procedures.

Contact Runnels & North Outpatient Plastic Surgery Center

Choose Runnels & North Outpatient Plastic Surgery Center for your brow lift procedure, and you’ll get unrivaled client-centric care featuring the industry’s most state-of-the-art techniques. For superior outpatient plastic surgery procedures in Jackson, MS, including brow lifts, trust Runnels & North. We operate at the industry’s highest standard out of our cutting-edge clinic. Our talented and passionate team consistently exceeds customer expectations with unparalleled care, and we’d love to help you next. Contact us today for more information.

Get Outstanding Plastic Surgery in the Jackson, MS Area!