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The Fountain of Youth in an Injectable Instant

Many anti-aging techniques claim to be effective, but none quite match the magic of BOTOX®. Dynamic wrinkles caused by facial muscle movement impact appearance over time. Thanks to BOTOX®, those symptoms can be reversed. For BOTOX® cosmetic surgery in Jackson, MS, you can trust Runnels & North Outpatient Plastic Surgery Center. We offer a talented and educated team who goes above and beyond to treat each client with maximum success. We’re passionate about helping our customers achieve the looks of their dreams.

BOTOX® Cosmetic Injection in Jackson, MS

What Is BOTOX® Cosmetic Treatment?

BOTOX® cosmetic treatment is a minimally invasive technique that uses injections to restore a youthful appearance in the face. Whether you have mild to moderate fine lines and wrinkles in the forehead, eyes, or mouth, BOTOX® can help ease symptoms while preventing further damage. BOTOX® is an injection that temporarily paralyzes facial muscles to soften fine lines and wrinkles and restore your natural and youthful appearance. The procedure is administered via needle and only takes a matter of minutes.

The Top BOTOX® Benefits

When choosing BOTOX®, you won’t just get an anti-aging treatment. You’ll enjoy all of the following benefits:

  • Improved self-esteem
  • Relief from muscle pain
  • Fast-acting results
  • Long-lasting effects
  • Customizable options

Should I Get BOTOX®?

BOTOX® is best used to treat moderate wrinkles around the forehead, eyes, and mouth. If you’re experiencing fine lines and wrinkles from repetitive facial movements and it’s given your self-confidence a hit, BOTOX® is for you. Likewise, people who experience excessive facial sweating can also benefit from treatment.

Make the Most of Your Procedure with These Aftercare Tips

BOTOX® injections typically last for several months. We recommend coming in for maintenance about three times a year to maintain a smooth appearance. To ensure that you get the best results from your injections, following proper BOTOX® aftercare procedures is essential. Don’t drink alcohol for 24 hours following your injections, avoid direct sun exposure for two days, and steer clear of other cosmetic procedures and strenuous activities for a day.

How Much Does BOTOX® Cost?

To get BOTOX®, you’ll typically pay about $600 per session, but the exact number can change depending on your needs. Each unit costs about $10-$13, and you’ll need anywhere from 20-50 units or more.

Frequently Asked Questions About BOTOX®

Absolutely not. Men can benefit from effective treatment just as much as women.

Common side effects are minimal and can include redness or temporary discomfort at the injection site.

There is no determined age to start getting treatment, but most people start anywhere from their early 30s to mid-40s.

If administered by an experienced professional like our team at Runnels & North, you can achieve a naturally youthful appearance that doesn’t look overdone.

Call Runnels & North for a BOTOX® Consultation

Runnels & North Outpatient Plastic Surgery Center is proud to be Jackson’s leading cosmetic surgery center. We consistently deliver exceptional results thanks to our outstanding client dedication and top-of-the-line plastic surgery options, including BOTOX® cosmetic treatment. When selecting our clinic for your BOTOX® treatment, you’ll receive quality care with the industry’s most cutting-edge products and a team of dedicated professionals administering them. By taking action today and choosing BOTOX® treatment, you’ll be investing in your self-confidence. Contact us today to learn more or schedule an appointment with our knowledgeable staff.

Get Outstanding Plastic Surgery in the Jackson, MS Area!